Monday, December 10, 2007

How to create a new organization chart

How to create a new organization chart

To create a new organization chart

Step 1

If you wish to create a new organization chart, first you have to choose the New option from the File menu. Then, choose the Organization Chart option and after that select the Organization Chart option. You are able to see it clearly from the picture below.

Choose File>New>Organization Chart>Organization Chart

Step 2

You'll be able to see the picture below when you have selected the Organization Chart option.

How to draw the network diagram

How to draw the network diagram

To draw the network diagram

Step 1

First you have to select the icon you want to add on the page and then hold down the Left Mouse button and drag to the page. Release the mouse button on the page just like what’s shown from the picture below.

Step 2

After that, you'll be able to see the picture below when you have released the mouse button.

How to create a new network diagram.

How to create a new network diagram.

To create a new network diagram.

Step 1

If you wish to create a new network diagram, first you have to choose the New option from the File menu. Then, choose the Network Diagram option and after that select the Basic Network option. You are able to see it clearly from the picture below.

Choose File>New>Network Diagram>Basic Network

Step 2

After that, you'll be able to see the picture below when you click on the Basic Network option.

How to delete the page

How to delete the page

To delete the page

If you wish to delete the page, first you have to select the page that you want to delete. Then, choose the Delete option from the Edit menu. After that select the Page option. You are able to see it clearly from the picture below.

Choose Edit>Delete>Page